Tackle Project – Swansea.com Stadium
Today was the final session for Tackle this term. We were fortunate to be invited to the home of the Ospreys for this last session, this being Swansea.com stadium. We were able to see the back rooms and full workings of how players prepare for games, their history, jerseys also the reasons for various colours in the strip and sponsors.
We also saw the prestigious trophy cabinet and the memorabilia given by teams they have visited in other countries. We continued with a view of the hospitality area with 77 jerseys from all the clubs in the Ospreys region, next the press room and lastly a visit to a hospitality box, a rare look at how some businesses use the rooms and the access they have whilst hiring the facility.
This was an ideal opportunity to round off the term with a focus on what the learners have done well over the course so far and a reflection on where they could make improvements. Thelearners participated fully and thoughtfully regarding their personal development and they all have a focus of improvement moving forward. This will be the focus on aims for the next term as well as the new skills they will be shown, as they re-start on the course after Whitsun half term.
A big thank you to the Ospreys Community Officers for all their support and hard work as always. We look forward to seeing you back soon.
Diolch yn fawr, pawb!