ECO-Schools / ESDGC
CCYD is a Healthy School
CCYD is proud to be part of the Healthy Schools Network and we are currently working towards our assessed National Quality Award which will recognise and celebrate the work undertaken in school to ensure learner and staff wellbeing.
As outlined in the new curriculum documents Health and well-being is defined as; The new curriculum documents outline Health and well-being as ‘encompassing the interdependencies of the physical, psychological, emotional, cultural and social dimensions which enable everyone to participate in life as best they can in an ever-changing world’.
We strive to do this by ensuring learners are ambitious, capable learners, enterprising, creative contributors as well as ethical, informed citizens who are healthy and confident individuals.
We achieve this through the 7 chapters of the Healthy School Scheme which are:
1. Food and Fitness
2. Mental and Emotional Health and Well Being
3. Personal Development and Relationships
4. Substance Use and Misuse
5. Environment
6. Safety
7. Hygiene
Working to be a healthy school we look to incorporate the 17 Global Goals for a better future. In 2015 The United Nations launched The Global Goals for Sustainable Development, a series of ambitious targets to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice and fix climate change for everyone by 2030. If the Goals are met, they ensure the health, safety and future of the planet for everyone on it, and their best chance of being met is if everyone on the planet is aware of them.
If you would like to know more about the healthy school scheme or feel you could contribute to our healthy school ethos please get in touch;
ESDGC stands for education for sustainable development and global citizenship as outlined below:
This is one of the threads that flow through our ethos of being a health promoting school and helps to underpin our ambition to develop our students understanding of the world allowing them to become ethical and informed citizens. This is achieved through our wellbeing day timetable where students undertake a series of workshops which reinforce the ESDGC concepts they meet throughout their curriculum studies such as geography, science and religion philosophy and ethics lessons.
If you would like to contribute to making our community environmentally sustainable, please contact the eco committee via the Eco and Healthy Schools Coordinator Fran Watkin.
CCYD has a long history of eco awards and we have again successfully maintained and renewed our platinum Eco School Status. Eco Schools is a nationally and internationally recognised award which is designed to empower and inspire young people to make positive environmental changes to their school and wider community, while building on their key skills, including numeracy and literacy, and encompassing Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. It is run by our Eco Committee and all learners who are passionate about developing a sustainable world for a brighter future are welcome to join.
Last year our action plan focused on increasing the biodiversity of our school grounds working with the Polli:Nation project. Polli:Nation is a UK wide initiative supporting learners from 260 schools to turn their school grounds and other local walk-to spaces into pollinator friendly habitats. Further information about the project can be found here:
As part of our action plan we are focusing on plastic reduction. If you would like further information about reducing single use plastic or becoming plastic free the following weblink to the Marine Conservation Society, has lots of useful information.
The Eco Committee have also been successful in reapplication for Fair Trade School status. We are now a Fair Trade Aware School.
If you would like to contribute to making our community environmentally sustainable, please contact the eco committee via the Eco and Healthy Schools Coordinator Rob Philips.
Rob Philips
Healthy Schools co-ordinator