At Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen we are committed to raising and celebrating student attendance with the aim of ensuring each and every child attends regularly and achieves or exceeds their true potential.
We celebrate the success and achievement of all students whose attendance is 100% or excellent (above 97%) through the use of frequent meaningful rewards and incentives.
• 100% Club
• Postcards Home
• Certificates
• Electronic PDF Certificates
• Prizes
• Achievement Points
• Attendance Trophy
• Awards at the annual awards ceremony
Regular communication with parents and guardians is vital to ensuring all are aware of the value and importance excellent attendance has on attainment.
Every half term we communicate via letter a child’s attendance percentage and their current attendance band in accordance with the table below.
Annual Time Missed Due To Absence
100% – Not Missing any lessons. Your child has the optimum chance to achieve well and is taking full advantage of every learning opportunity.
99% – Missing about 12 lessons.
98% – Missing about 24 lessons.
97% – Missing about 36 lessons.
96% – Missing about 8 days of school. It will be difficult to catch up on the lost learning from about 48 lessons.
95% – Missing about 2 weeks of school.
93% – Missing 14 days of school. This is almost missing 3 weeks which is a significant amount of education to lose.
92% and below – Missing more than 3 weeks of education. A serious loss of learning which is likely to have a detrimental effect on achievement and life chances. Research shows that an attendance rate of 92% or below can result in a drop of a GCSE grade across all subjects.
The school takes very seriously all student absence. All parents/guardians are requested to contact the school on the first day of absence to verify and explain student absence.
A robust and fit for purpose attendance policy and procedures aids early intervention and with the support of the Education Welfare Service combat long term absence.
If you have any questions regarding attendance please email your child’s Tutor or Head of Year or telephone the school 01656 815920.