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Standards & Assessment


Assessment at CCYD

At Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen we believe that the key aim of assessment is to support learner achievement and progress. Through our assessment and report, we aim to:

• Enable learners to understand what they have to do to reach end of lesson, unit, topic, academic year and key stage expectations.

• Help set targets and involve pupils in their own learning.

• Give parents a clear idea of what their child can do and what they need to do to progress.

• Provide information that can be used to evaluate teaching and learning practice.

• Give learners effective feedback so they know what they have done well and what they need to improve.

• Enable all learners, including learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), to make effective progress.

During the academic year learners and parents will receive 4 Progress sheets and 1 written academic report.

Progress Sheets Explained

At 4 points during the year your child’s teachers will enter a professional prediction based on where they feel you will be at the end of the year (KS3) or course (KS4/5).

The prediction will contain a level or grade with a sub level or fine grade. At each point the teacher will also give a score for attitude to learning; with 1: above, 2: as expected, 3: Minor concern and 4: major concern.

Attitude to learning represents your child’s behaviour, homework, effort, attendance and any other factors that have an effect of your child’s learning.

Once the assessment data has been collected the school uses this to analyse your child’s current progress towards their target grades, data sheets are sent home, and any suitable intervention that is needed is put in place.

Key Stage 3 Progress Sheet Example:

Key stage 4 & 5 Progress sheet example:

Understanding your Child’s progress report at KS3

End of Year Predictions: This is the end of year level which we believe your child will be working at in this subject. This is based on all the information that we have. This includes results from tests, controlled assessment marks, their current approach / attitude to learning and anticipated progress over the course.

Target Level: This level is the minimum target that your child should achieve in this subject.

Understanding your Child’s progress report at KS4

End of course predictions and fine Grade: This is the final examination result that we believe your child will attain. This is based on all the information that we have. his includes results from tests, controlled assessment marks, their current approach / attitude to learning and anticipated progress over the remainder of course.

Target Grade: This is the minimum target that you child should achieve in this subject.

Understanding your Child’s progress report at KS5

End of course predictions and fine Grade: This is the final examination result that we believe your child will attain. This is based on all the information that we have. his includes results from tests, controlled assessment marks, their current approach / attitude to learning and anticipated progress over the remainder of course.

Target Grade: This is the minimum target that you child should achieve in this subject.

Attitude to Learning

In order to fit the whole school philosophy of ‘Growth mind-set’ staff enter a number to represent the learners attitude to learning. The judgement for this will include (but are not limited to) a number of factors such as homework, attitude in class, behaviour, attendance and book presentation. A2L of 1 should only be given to students who work above and beyond in a subject. This is not given out to learneres because they behaviour in lesson, or hand in their homework on time, this is what we expect. It is very rare that every learner in a class will be awarded a ‘1’.

Sub Level Explained At Key stage 3

Next to the level you will notice a letter, these show where a teacher currently thinks a student is with in that level.

1. Very `Secure Level with some characteristics of the Level above

2. Secure Level

3. Insecure Level, extra work is needed to secure the Level

Fine Grades Explained At Key stage 4 & 5

Next to the Grade you will notice a number, these show where a teacher currently thinks a student is with in that grade.

1. Very `Secure grade with some characteristics of the grade above

2. Secure Grade

3. Insecure grade, extra work is needed to secure the grade.

School Reports explained

During the academic year you will receive a full written school report The report is divided into 3 areas:

1. General Comment

2. Feedforward Strategies for Improvement

3. Attitude to learning




At CCYD we strongly believe the more involved parents are in their child’s education, the better the child performs at school.  For this reason communication with parents is a priority for us. Below is a brief summary of our current communication methods:

● In the past, letters from the school have relied heavily upon ‘pupil post’. Whilst we still use this method for some communication, we also ensure copies of the letters are placed on our school website.

● We use Classcharts to send brief information or reminders, please contact us if you do not have access to Classcharts yet.

There may be times when we need to phone or text you. For this reason it is essential that you keep us informed of any changes to mobile phone numbers.

The school uses Facebook and Twitter as a means to share information quickly to parents (please note we do not engage in comment forums via these platforms and will only answer queries via telephone or email).

● Many departments use Twitter to share information and celebrate good news with parents. The school’s main Twitter account is @ccyd_school which re-tweets department news.

Learners performance data and attitude to learning scores will be emailed to learners and parents/carers. For this reason please update us with any changes to your email address.

Along with the usual yearly Parent Evenings we also run Information Evenings for years 5/6, Year 7, Key stage 3 and Year 11. The dates are available on the calendar on the school website.

If you would like a meeting with your child’s Pastoral leader (Head of Year) please contact the school and we will make an appointment for you.

● If there is anything you want to contact us about, the email facility is readily available on the school website. This is checked frequently and followed up as soon as possible.

Our email address is also available should you need financial support such as pre-loved uniform and equipment.