Tackle Project
This week’s Tackle report.
The ‘T’ in tackle is for Teamwork!
One of our esteemed long serving colleagues has retired this week, leaving some staff wondering how we could replace such an experienced and dedicated colleague. The pupils have given us an answer….Teamwork!
Working together is a huge life skill and one they have been working on recently with all that this includes, such as communication, supporting each other, working together, empathy, maturity, focus, goal setting, problem solving and growth mindset.
This is not a one off week practice, the learners have been working on this since the beginning of term and will continue to do so, to enhance their knowledge and abilities.
The group are becoming leaders in their own rights and it is interesting to see the development and consideration taken for themselves and each other. It is exciting to watch and a reminder for us all that success for one, is success for all of us.
Da iawn pawb!