D&T Keystage 3 Curriculum
Year 8 Projects Overview
Resistant Materials –
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Literacy & Numeracy –
Practical Skills –
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Textiles – Sock Monkey (Cuddly Toy)
Summary – A stuffed toy that uses a combination of hand stitching and machine stitching to manufacture. The toy is shaped to look like a monkey but is influenced by on trend characters. Students follow a step by step guide to manufacture components which then assemble to create the final product. They observe demonstrations on using the sewing machine and hand stitching, measurements and health & safety requirements in order to gain confidence and enhance skills. Once complete students recall the events and produce a story board.
Literacy & Numeracy – The project focuses on both literacy and numeracy throughout the manufacturing process. Students complete tasks which enhance their vocabulary through recording instructional text based on demonstrations. At all stages of the make students perform numerical challenges in both lesson starters and when measuring. At the end of the project pupils recall events and produce a piece of recount text in the format of a story board.
Practical Skills – Students gain experience and confidence using a range of equipment and machines; these include a sewing machine , stitch ripper, sewing needles and fabric scissors.
Resource Example –
Practical Examples –
Designer Clock
Summary –
Literacy & Numeracy –
Practical Skills –
Resource Example –
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Year 9 Projects
Resistant Materials – Pinball Machine
Summary – A portable table top game that will keep you entertained and draw the determination and patience out of you, as you try to launch and land the ball bearings in the baskets. Students will manufacture this wooden toy by independently following step by step presentations, demonstrations and working drawings. Practical skills and confidence are developed through the use of hand tools and machinery in the workshop, whilst focusing on accuracy at all times as it is key to the components of this product fitting together.
Literacy & Numeracy – The project focuses on both literacy and numeracy throughout the manufacturing process. Students complete booklets, which allow them to enhance their vocabulary through recording instructional text based on demonstrations. At all stages of the build students perform numerical challenges in both lesson starters and when measuring and counting components.
Practical Skills – Students gain experience and confidence using different materials such as manufactured wood and acrylic, and a range of tools and machines; these include a belt sander, fretsaw, pillar drill and a laser cutter as well as sandpaper and adhesives.
Resource Example –
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Food Technology – Cooking
Summary – The project looks at and applies the principles of the Eatwell Guide and the importance of nutrition through different life stages. The project develops the understanding of different dietary requirements at different life stages, food products are then produced to support these. Additionally the consequences of poor nutrition are identified and what diet related illness can occur. The project does require pupils to bring in ingredients to complete all practicals to enable them to develop essential life skills.
Resource Example –
Practical Examples –
MP3 Speaker – Electronics
Summary – A portable MP3 speaker. Students develop a range of practical skills
when manufacturing both the speaker body and soldering the electronic components. Students learn & develop CAD CAM skills using 2D Design software and a laser cutter to enhance the accuracy of their practical outcome.
Literacy & Numeracy – The project focuses on both literacy and numeracy. Students complete a piece of instructional text during the project which explains how to manufacture the MP3 Speaker. Learners use subject specific vocabulary when recalling the steps on how to manufacture an MP3 speaker. At all stages of the build students perform numerical challenges in both lesson starters and during the lesson when measuring and counting components.
Practical Skills – Students gain experience and confidence using a range of tools and machines; these include a rule, tri-square, tenon saw, bench hook, disk sander and soldering equipment.
Resource Example –
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